Install Bulletin Board
(For Administrator)Trial Version

Microsoft 365 NextSet Bulletin Board
for Microsoft 365


Service Feature

"NextSet Bulletin Board for Microsoft 365" provides News Broadcasting feature for your Microsoft 365 environment.
(1)Runs in the same with Microsoft 365 (cloud).
(2)Runs in SharePoint site as Gadgets.
(3)Input form customization, access privileges for each publication, publication period configuration
(4)Notification upon application publishing. Read/Unread management, comments function, Like! feature, favourite feature etc...
(5) Tool to migrate from SharePoint site and Lotus Notes to Bulletin Board

  • Add to SharePoint site
  • Various input type to create form
  • Smart Phone View
  • Publish Unpublish management
  • Feasible to create iconic design!

Install Bulletin Board
(For Administrator)Trial Version


Features Summary

・Support virtual instance. You can create multiple instances of Bulletin Board, each instance has different database. Each instance can be used by specific group of users
・Input form customization. Provide various input types to build input form
  →Text field, Rich Text field, Radio Button, Attachment, Date, Option Button etc...
・Provide GUI to build form
・Provide list view, digest view
・Publication period for each submission. Access permission on each submission.
・Attachment feature (store in cloud, up to 200MB), attachment preview
・My Favourite feature/ "Like!" feature/ New Mark feature
・Read/Unread Management.
・Discussion, comment feature
・Publication period for each submission
・Full text search feature
・Integrate with Gmail, display bulletin board in email screen
・Notification mail upon publication
・Default templates
・Access control base on IP address
・Upload file extension control
・Support Smart Phone view
・Printing form
・Backup tool to download HTML format of submissions
・Provide gadgets for SharePoint site
・Migrate from SharePoint site Announcement
・Support multi Microsoft 365 domains
・Support multiple languages (English, German, France, Spain, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Korean)

Please kindly confirm "Terms of Use" before installing. Here


Install Bulletin Board
(For Administrator)Trial Version



What is "NextSet Bulletin Board for Microsoft 365" ?
"NextSet Bulletin Board for Microsoft 365" provides News Broadcasting feature for your Microsoft 365. Sateraito office Bulletin Board works seamlessly with your Microsoft 365, is deployed in cloud. Bulletin Board is provided as gadgets to be added to SharePoint site and also support Smart Phone view.

Can Bulletin Board support Read/Unread management?
Yes it can. Administrator can configure different color for read/unread documents.

Can Bulletin Board support publication in a specific period?
Yes it can. Submitter can specify period that the submission will be published in. After that period, the publication will not be available.

Can I submit my news to a specific group of users with Bulletin Board?
Yes you can. You can specify a group of users, or a users' group so that only that specific users can view your publication.

Is it possible to migrate data from Google Announcement Site or Lotus Notes to Bulletin Board?
Yes it is. We provide migration tool to help you migrate data from SharePoint site or Lotus Notes to Bulletin Board.

Can I create multiple Bulletin Boards?
Yes you can. Bulletin Board supports virtual instance, each instance has its own database. You can create as many instances as you want.

Install Bulletin Board
(For Administrator)Trial Version